Couplet - Bedroom Adventures

Privately find out what you and your partner are into, without the awkwardness.

How does it work?
It's simple! Link with your partner, explore categories, and swipe on ideas. If both of you like the same idea, it's a match!

🌶️ Pair with your partner

🌶️ Find your common kinks with weekly sex ideas curated by experts

🌶️ Collect your matches..

🌶️ ..and plan a date just for the two of you

🌶️ Let your partner know how you feel!

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Pair up with your partner

To create your channel to boost intimacy.

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From Mild to Wild

We offer you 4 categories with spicy ideas. No matter your experience or the nature of your relationship, you will find something to like.

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Privacy Ensured

If you vote ❤️ but your partner doesn't, they will never find out.

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Find your common kinks

We will let you know once you and your partner both like an idea.

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Schedule a Date for your Match

So that you can actually try out the idea.

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Your Private Communication Channel

Let your partner know how you feel, if you're looking for intimacy, or you just want to express your love.

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Download Now

And let Couplet assist you in geting even more out of your relationship.

Don't forget to leave us your feedback at

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